‘MEDLAR’ – Nottingham £30
This unusual fruit should either be left on the tree until after the first frosts, or stored in sawdust, until soft, this is known as bletting. Then the flesh can be scooped out with a small spoon, eat with wine and cheese, or for Medlar jelly. The tree has a attractive semi-weeping habit, with large beautiful white flowers in spring, leaves turn a nice copper colour in Autumn. Self-fertile.
‘QUINCE’ – Serbian Gold £30
Serbian Gold quince also known as Leschovach originates from Serbia. The fruit is medium sized and apple shaped. It ripens to a bright yellow colour by in October when it is ready for picking. The flesh is pale yellow, hard and acid. It breaks up quickly when cooked and is good for making jelly. Some resistance to quince leaf blight.
‘MULBERRY’ – Morus Nigra £22
Wonderful tree that is slow to establish but long term will produce fruit similar in looks to a Raspberry but with a more intense juicy flavour. The fruit is very delicate and falls from the tree when ripe and needs eating straight away, that’s the reason you don’t see Mulberries in the shops.
Ingrid Almond erupts into a stunning display of large, pale pink, fragrant flowers in spring. The blossom is followed by fruits with a velvety covering and containing tasty almonds that can be picked in early autumn and used for eating or cooking.